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Happy Holidays + Proof’s 2022 Mixtape! (Local Tips & Reviews)

2022 – you came and went in the blink of an eye.

As we all continue our proverbial ‘comback tour’ from the low point that was 2020, our team has had the pleasure of working with so many outstanding clients this year, and we’re thrilled with the momentum we’re carrying into 2023.

These last couple years have been….trying, to say the least, for all of us. But I personally feel more motivated than ever to push through and forward and continue building, learning, and growing as we enter into our fourteenth year as a company.

Nick, Paul, Bryson, and Madelene are rocking things on the design side, and our team is stronger than ever with the creative work we’re able to provide to our clients.

Zach has been constantly pushing us with new business opportunities, and always holds us accountable internally to make sure we’re walking the walk and talking the talk every step of the way with our client relationships and processes.

Dave and Mihai, long tenured Proof legends, continue to crush it from a development and UI perspective, ensuring on-time delivery every time, and taking the extra attention that our web work demands.

I got married. Journeyed to Iceland. Sent my daughter off to her first day of Kindergarten. And had, what some would say, is an ‘eventful’ year. For better or worse, it’s all a part of the journey, and I’m excited to keep it going in the new year.

It wouldn’t be much of a send off if we didn’t grace you with our annual Proof Mixtape. We gathered up some of our favorite tunes in typical Proof Crew fashion and we hope that our 2022 MIXTAPE brings you joy through the holidays, and that you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed making it for you.

Cheers, friends, and happy new year! 

– Matt

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